just shot for the fall/winter 2011 bellissima campaign with the amazing team: jennie lyle, jason eng, alicja wilkosz, jereme bokitch, shea kerwood and a new addition this year, maggie from imodel management. it was actually very nice having someone to shoot with, it’s also always fun to watch someone else being photographed. a lot of people tend to find photoshoots a bit tedious and boring, but i could sit and watch all day. here are a couple of behind the scenes shots. i didn’t have my trusty rb photography on site to man the camera so you have to do with what i had the chance to take myself. check out more snaps on the bellissima blog. tomorrow i will attempt to take photos of an actual model, which i think is quite the challenge for me. i shall keep you posted on how that goes, i guess you’ll know depending on whether you see a post about it, fingers crossed. xoxo.


11 Responses

  1. Annkaf says:

    Ale ty jesteś piękna! πŸ™‚

  2. s says:

    Beautiful pics… love them πŸ˜€

    Couture Street: // Proenza Spirit //

  3. almaa. says:

    Jesteś piękna *___*

  4. Ejbii says:

    chyba się powtórzę, że jesteś piękna πŸ˜‰ ale to prawda πŸ˜‰

  5. martiarti says:

    Powaliłaś mnie tymi zdjęciami! Rewelacja<3

  6. bacha says:

    Super fotki, fajny pomysł i kompozycja:)
    zapraszam do mnie:)

  7. Cami says:

    You look so amazing! great photos too. I have new entry i would love to get to know your opinion


    Room on the third floor

  8. wow. swietne zdjecia! πŸ˜‰

  9. these are incredible snaps. love’em

  10. what camera are you using? is that a digital camera that looks vintage? please let me know!!

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