sunday was our next big shoot day. this time shea k got us all together for a short video shoot. behind the camera was tyler stalman, it was the fist time i’ve worked with him and he most definately did not dissapoint. i love how the last photo looks like a promotional image from a tv show. this was actually the first time i was involved in shooting with actual video equipment (versus just a digital camera… but don’t ask me about any other specifics, i’m super technologically challenged). the day went by so fast. maybe because it was something new and different or maybe because there was no outfit changes. alicja wilkosz saved me from having to do my own makeup. i can tell you this project would not look the same without her. the most amazing of all things was that the video was finished and uploaded before the day was even over. so efficient i can’t even tell you. i will be posting it either tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned. in other good news, i had a meeting with my agency today and i might be jetting off to toronto in a very near future. i would very much love to start working out east again, even though i hear a lot of people complain about the fashion scene over there, they have no idea how much more advanced it is compared to here. a lot of big decisions ahead of me in any case.check out more photos on my 

hey! i love this photos!
Love the dress! where’s it from?
dress is dolce and gabbana. isn’t it gorgeous. thanks to jennie lyle for styling <3… credits coming with video
movie star! good luck in the near future i guess!
your eye makeup is gorgeous!!
seriously, could you BE ANY PRETTIER? Damn you’re good.