
20150124-3I5C9745-Edit 20150124-3I5C926920150124-3I5C9427Ania B Joe Fresh Active Studio Revolution20150124-3I5C9433 joe fresh active ania b 20150124-3I5C9415 20150124-3I5C9296 20150124-3I5C9303 20150124-3I5C9528-Edit 20150124-3I5C9648-Edit ania b joe fresh active20150124-3I5C9705and here it is. i made it through my first ever surfset class at calgary’s own, studio revolution. the inspiration came from none other than joe fresh. together with their #joefreshactive initiative the brand sponsored numerous fitness classes across the country (and even new york city). i’ve always wanted to try this workout but as with many things in my life i was just finding it hard to find the time to commit a proper effort. and then, like many things in life fashion gave me the extra motivation to act. when i heard about this idea i immediately jumped on board. for the love of the brand and the ever expanding growth of this city (let’s, for a second, forget the oil prices). so how was my first workout in years? hard! i don’t usually make new years resolutions but for 2015 i had a list and i am determined to fulfill it. healthier lifestyle through diet and movement, obviously at the top, this was the perfect moment. adjusting to balance and taking your time to get into your own flow is key and wow, did i ever feel like an awkward mess of limbs flailing everywhere. the challenge, and a major added burn comes from balancing on the boards, you work twice as hard but get as much out of it as you let it. i felt good and my body will thank me tomorrow, and yes, joe fresh totally helped with looking cute while i did it. pop into your nearest, free standing, joe fresh store to deck yourself out for your next workout sesh and until february 1st joe fresh is really promoting those healthy lifestyles by giving you an extra $10 off for every $30 you spend on active wear. if you want something unique and different out of your workout or if you are just curious about what studio revolution is all about visit and sign up for a class. i will be at their dj drop & pop on friday night catching some serious waves. later. xoxo

Joe Fresh Studio Revolution Ania B Instagramfollow us on instagram at @aniab@stalman & @joefresh and #joefreshactive for more

2 Responses

  1. Ann-Louise says:

    That looks so fun! I want to try it now!!

    • Ania says:

      it’s a crazy good workout. if you are looking to work with every single part of your body this ones a keeper! i went back a week later and i need another week to recover. hope to get a hang of it soon 😛

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