photo jason eng
amazing new (old) photos from a shoot i did a while back with kristin page for her website/blog where she takes her readers through all things hair. she is am absolute pleasure to work with and always so much fun. i can’t possibly say enough amazing things about her. she does my hair all the time now, ever since that shoot, which would have been our first together and never disappoints, and i always stress the importance of a good team. speaking of which it’s been too long since working with jay, who has been creatively and personally missing from my life for the past few months, something i am currently working on. he is insanely important to me in so many aspects  i can’t even imagine having it any other way.  i have been waiting to post about kristin’s site until i got the images, and here they all are.  i posted some behind the scenes photos with the sweet kittens back in january (click here), unfortunately they did not make it to very many final picks, but overall still added a great deal to the vibe of the entire day. kristin is of course part of the stellar hedkandi family, all of whom have always been so great to us all in the calgary fashion industry (and much beyond).  i am permanently adding the hedkandi banner as well as a link to kristin’s site on my side bar for those of you interested in more information on either. LOVE these guys to death. xoxo
more photos on my facebook page

3 Responses

  1. bloo. says:

    wyglądasz przecudownie Aniu!! ;-))

  2. almaa. says:

    na ostatnim wyglądasz zabojczo pieknie!

  3. Justyna says:

    your make up is SO stunning I had to save it in my inspiration folder!


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