wearing: junk food tank, unif jeans, zara backpack, karen walker sunglasses 
ok so already i’m gonna say > major stampede withdrawals. there is something to be said for being outdoors all day, getting your tan on and, even though surrounded by deep fried everything, feeling pretty healthy. among all of the western inspired outfits i brought out for the occasion there was time for play as well. there is nothing like spending $9 on deep fried cheese and blowing all your money on games you know you can’t win, but hey, the doughnut was well worth it. we walked the midway more times then we can count and have all the food locations memorized. not much changes from year to year on the grounds, even if you went back 10 years, somehow that place just doesn’t age. these ripped unif tweak jeans had me running back and forth swapping sizes, i ended up choosing a higher fit and a smaller size so that the holes would not get in my way. you know when you have a hole on your knee and you bend your leg too much and you rip it even more… i always try to avoid those moments. and any festival staple of course, the leather backpack. i’m trying out a smaller version for those times when you walk around with something on your back and after 8 hours no matter how light it is, it always feels like a ton of bricks. so practical this year. ventilation AND functionality.  xoxo

One Response

  1. Veronica says:

    Damn cool look.Those bracelets..Love! Love! Love!

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