it took me nearly a week to fully recover from the pre-stampede/canada day festivities of the past few days. the one thing i can say about calgary is that it is never boring in the summer months and this year must have provided for the most solid proof yet. stampede, even if unofficially, really got off to an early start, with events happening well before july even begun. and what a great year it’s been for topshop, not even a year in the city and it’s already stirring some amazing buzz. we took over cowboys dance hall for a night of festival style, sweet treats and selfies. thanks to the help of the ever patient and super organized anneke forbes, we styled six key festival looks which we literally took to the dance floor. girls were chosen out of the attending crowd to model and then take their outfits home. liz trinnear took the reigns and ramped up the girls for what ended as a night of metric and my first time to the infamous cowboys stampede tent. big thanks go to everyone who attended, all the girls (and boys) obsessed with topshop, our models, the cowboys staff and our photographer, none other than tyler stalman without who life would simply go on undocumented <3 stay tuned for full outfit details in the next post. until then make sure to post your stampede selfies with the hashtag #topshopchinook for your chance to win a $1000 shopping spree with topshop!! xoxo