the upcoming days will be getting really busy, but we have you covered from head to toe, literally. stampede will be the talk of the town for the next two weeks with events happening early this year and taking us through to the end of the festival in mid july. a project i am excited to embark on is a partnership i’ve entered in with schwarzkopf professional. as you can probably tell by all the photos i have been having a love-hate relationship with my hair lately, finally settling back on bangs and a more structured long bob. the secret is simply the low maintenance of the cut. i am kind of useless when it comes to doing hair. my hair is very fine, there is a lot of it, but living in the extremely dry calgary climate does not do me any favours, so i have to get creative. this is where osis+ session label comes in. i was sent a bag of product and challenged to a three month trial with the label. i am never opposed to learning new things so i accepted. the results will be hair tip posts, salon visits and product reviews. i am going to take this opportunity to find new ways to wear my hair and share those results with you. let the adventure begin. xoxo

2 Responses

  1. Congratulations on your partnership!
    Toast your Purse with an Outfit!
    Fashion Advice Blog by Renata

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