wearing: zara dress, new balance sneakers, topshop ear cuffs
i have completely devoted myself to learning more about blogging and bloggers in general as of late. i’ve immersed myself in reading materials, started reaching out to fellow bloggers and instagrammers, and learned a lot about the industry as a whole. i can’t tell you how much i love the process of blogging itself, but still discover new things about it on a daily basis. constantly evolving. i’ve been at it for four years now and i never feel like i have had enough. thanks to our new partnership with nordstrom i have re-discovered my love for street style photography and am beyond anxious for spring to finally land (yes! it’s snowing here today). i have, still, many unanswered questions, there is always something new to explore, our first fashion week is coming up in september, brushing up on my street photographers is making me really excited for the experience. our recent meetings with kait of yuppielove help me stay inspired and motivated, keeping my head and heart in it. i feel like i could write a novel right now and spill my guts to you… but that’s not what this blog is about. would love to chat if you are ever interested. message or e-mail me if you ever feel like you find yourself in a similar place. in the meantime, keep obsessing over clothes, obviously, the one thing, undoubtedly, always on my mind. xoxo

3 Responses

  1. Such a simple and gorgeous look. I tootaly understand your feelings about the blogging, photography and fashion in general. I blogg just about year and a half and I love it. Love the process, love everything about it.

    Fabulous 30s

  2. My sister suggested that I should order a size down–being an 8-10 with a C cup, I got an 8, and it’s pretty good. (I got a red dress) it was thin, and needed some ironing.

  3. This is perfect!


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