funny that nothing changed, time has not stopped and then start again but a new year is already here, january 2nd officially marking the start, now with business as usual. a lot of people will take the opportunity to prolong their vacations until monday but the blog has a life on it’s own and one must feed the beast. obviously it was hard to get out of my casual holiday getup, having spent the last week in sweat pants… at least they were designer. and out of all things the one that i thought would not happen again > deciding i need to find another great pair of sneakers. i’m scared to step my foot inside of a mall so i will keep to online shopping for the next couple of weeks. who doesn’t like receiving packages, and yet another way to prolong christmas. what a great year 2013 has been to us, here’s hoping to 2014. may even numbers be just as good. xoxo

I love receiving packages 🙂 The mall is so crowded at this time of the year!!
Happy New Year!! Hope all your wishes come true 🙂
Natalie Off Duty
Great look! X