jumping the shark
May 8, 2013

this term was just as foreign to me as it might be to you. thanks to a not so great arrested development documentary and some lame fonzie reference from decades ago (who has that kind of attention span anymore) now i know, and so wittingly am able to use it as the title for today’s post, how clever that it ties into my cut up men’s west 49 tee, also only a fun play on the infamous givenchy animal prints from a couple seasons ago. my brother confessed that he regularly reads my blog to find out what is new in my life, now that i know i have a whole new stage for family deceit (ha! kidding!), little does he know that on top of the usual work and seldom play we’re doing more work. i’m actually getting geared up for the clothing sale we will be having at the end of june, this means a roadtrip with the family (tyler and charlie of course), a week in calgary riding our bikes and potentially an awesome new neon suitcase (thank you airline industry for keeping me on trend). oh yes and welcome bangs again, thanks to the always talented and beautiful
kristin page, there really is no place like home. xoxo
best shirt!