topshop bralet, mink pink jeans, zara shoes

looking through a backlog of photos on my computer i realize i am running behind on posting. i have been trying to squeeze in a lot of activities in a short period of time (working on the september blogger issue of freq magazine, making appointments, organizing my life, trying to shoot all the things sitting in my living room that are waiting to be blog loved etc etc.) it never ends, which is hardly reason for complaining, which i am most definitely NOT doing. just checking in, saying hello and making sure you have tons to look at. we took these photos right after coming back from la, so they are 100% inspired by my trip, a reason for me to love them even more. photos by rb. xoxo

4 Responses

  1. Marta says:

    Ania! You look amazing and the photos are really nice 🙂

  2. Ania, my god, this shoot is NUMERO mag quality! You look INCREDIBLE!

    Miss you girl. Hope to see you soon.


  3. Anonymous says:

    You look great here! Keep up the amazing outfits/photos. Also great location.

  4. almaa. says:

    te buty są kapitalne!

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