direction and styling by leah van loon,
photography by colin way, 
hair and makeup by teslin ward,
it may seem like it’s spring but it doesn’t feel like it yet in my neck of the woods. depressing a little, the emotions are running wild with every sighting of a little sunshine. everyone else is ready for spring though so the local magazines are also taking part in the festivities. this week we were featured in the herald’s weekly swerve magazine. enter leah van loon, stylist l’extraordinaire (i am fully unsure whether this is even a correct use of this word). for full credits and clothes list you can check the whole story out here or get a copy of your own in today’s paper.

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2 Responses

  1. Marzena says:

    God this pictures are amazing ! I’m in love with them so much. You’re so pretty. Kiss x

  2. enjoy says:

    Fantastic pictures 😉
    You are so beautiful;)

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