when i get photos ready for posting everything looks better in black and white. now that i am back home i have a million and one things to catch up on, it’s also been a pretty fantastic month work wise, both modelling and boring full time gig. today i had an amazing fitting with lauren bagliore, turns out we have our own alexander wang/helmut lang in the city. it was amazing, i left short of breath, that’s how fast my mind was trying to figure out how to start saving for all the amazing things she makes. there is a full post coming next week, we are shooting the lookbook on sunday and i’ll be sure to document everything. as great as this week has been i am still sad to be back home, after every trip i plot a move to another city in my head, it all works out fantastic as a movie script but maybe not so much in real life. san francisco has bumped new york on my list of favourite us cities (la being the first <3), it’s exactly as i have imagined it to be, perfectly between the two. though the wind and the hills would make it hard for me to dream of it as a potential home, anything in california seems to be good enough for me. we were there right for the outside lands festival, sans actual tickets, but a walk through golden gate park still provided for a glimpse of all the hipsters and drug addicts attending the shows. and i have never in my life seen so many drugs and people on drugs as i have in san francisco. it seems to be quite the liberal place, apparently the only place where you can walk around main street smoking a joint, ironically that adds to its appeal. for a big city it sure feels like a small place. i was kind of nervous to take photos of people, feeling like it was something they probably met with on daily basis, turns out there isn’t many bloggers in the city and i would have gotten away with it scott free. i missed a perfect picture moment at a bus stop on our way to the park one day, when i saw the same people walking past us the next day in a different neighbourhood i didn’t hesitate, though not as perfect of a moment, they sure were, and all models <3 i love myself those models so that worked out great. not till after i realized that i didn’t even get their names, so my beautiful friends if you should stumble upon this post feel free to strike up a conversation. xoxo
ps. did i mention losing my in-and-out virginity? it really is everything they say it is.
more san fran photos on my facebook page


8 Responses

  1. Cristina L says:

    I love these shots. The dogs one is my fav ;D

  2. ahhh this makes me miss San Francisco even more 🙁

  3. Justin says:

    Did you use the secret menu at In and Out? A must. Animal-style evurthang.

  4. Great photos, Ania! -Angela

  5. Kim says:

    omg those french bulldogs are freakin adorable especially the one in black! haha btw have you tried five guys? 🙂


  6. Always a great fan of your lovely blog !

  7. A/C says:

    This is my All TIME FAVORITE CITY. I’m actually getting married in Golden Gate Park next September.

    Images and words to capture the city perfectly. Thank you.

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