so i may have already bought some magazines when i was having my connection in amsterdam, but i was most excited about getting the fashion magazines in poland that i have been reading about all this time. viva! moda so far is my favourite, they combine well photographed fashion stories with excellent articles and interviews, fashion magazine, which i had highest hopes for, is kind of disappointing in that it’s a blatant copy of everything and anything i had seen in past issues of other international magazines. even though the fashion scene kind of lacks in szczecin (in a BIG way) they just opened a new zara as well, so obviously i took some liberties to check it out. i must say for such a non fashion city their zara by far surpasses anything we have going on at home in calgary. as far as my impressions of poland after being away for so long: there is nothing that will ever turn me off of poland. i have nothing but sweet memories of my life here and i love everything about the people, i even love the rude and the drunks. i have yet to figure out how to etch every single moment and smell into my memory. every time i come back something changes, i wish it would always stay the same, untouched the way i had left it. in other news has anyone noticed the shirt on behati on the new issue of id? danzig! for those who don’t know that’s gdańsk in german! speaking of, i have a dilemma: i am super strapped on time, my polish exploration has to be cut short (unlike what i had originally planned) so i can either go to warsaw OR gdańsk, gdynia and sopot. can’t do both (or all four i guess). what are your suggestions? 

5 Responses

  1. s says:

    love these pics ;D

    Cannes by GARANCE DORE

  2. Anne says:

    love those heels! cool pictures. xx

  3. Anonymous says:

    GDANSK!!!! fugoy said…

  4. Ania B says:

    Sorry Fugoy, the decision has been made. Warszawa it is! I’ll visit Babcia’s grave

  5. Poison says:

    Zapraszam do wzięcia udziału w konkursie, który odbywa się na DIRTY-POISON.BLOGSPOT.COM
    Do wygrania buty, które sama możesz sobie wybrać ;)*

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