this morning i had a quick appearance on breakfast television speaking on behalf of bellissima and their involvement in this years’ alberta fashion week. as you can see the venue was kind of an odd choice. we met jill at boogie’s burgers, because what goes better with fashion than 5 pounds of meat aka ‘doug’s don’t fear the ripper’ (as pictured above). this is calgary for you. the video is not the best quality since i had to manoeuvre my way through a number of obstacles in order to load it into quicktime and eventually youtube. let’s just say i won’t be getting a million hits for this one anytime soon. i did, on the other hand get to spend the morning with some of my favourite people, and wear the dress i have been eyeing for weeks (it kind of reminds me of a scuba suit). i wish i had a better photo of that burger but let me just tell you that it’s toped off with a corn dog, that should clarify any confusion. safe to say it’s rob’s favourite burger joint in town, why wouldn’t it be, with bacon added to the milkshakes. i am a little embarrassed to post this video, clearly not a good public speaker i feel like my accent really comes out under pressure, i wish i could get a do-over. what won’t kill me will make me stronger. greeeeaat! xoxo

4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Fugoy says: zippers are in indeed! Fugoy uses one every day !!! Great interview!

  2. Great interview Ania! I love your accent, and that dress is pretty sweet. I like the stripes on the sides and that orange colour. I’ve never been to that burger place before. I love bacon, but I’m not sure about it being in a milkshake…. lol.

  3. jeff says:

    nice job! you cut your hair, it looks good.

  4. TingTing says:

    Is it a wig that you are wearing. I still like you in long hair!

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