(zara man vest and top, zara shorts, jeffrey campbell boots)
you so don’t want to know what the weather is like right now. i’m actually sitting by a window watching a nice snow storm rolling through town… again. it’s not that big of a shocker, i built a snowman on our balcony in may one year, but seriousely ever since i started my blog and weather has become such a crucial part of what i do it’s really getting on my nerves. these were taken just three days ago, i actually wore shorts, mind you it was only anout ten degrees, but it seems the longer i live in canada the higher tolerance for cold i get… well obviousely not that much higher. and i have to say the stark white legs kind of give it away that we haven’t seen the sun in about ten months. so i apologize in advance, or at all since you are most likely reading this after you saw the pictures. we drive by this mini scrap yard everyday and finally it was nice enough to take some photos in front of the cars. only three more days of slaving away at work. phew! what a month this was, but i already have my spa day booked for ultimate relaxation time (massage, facia and pedicure… all three of which i desperately need and worked hard for) AND greatest (but bitter sweet) news is that i am going to poland! already booked my ticket for may 19th. my parents are selling the apartment in which i grew up in so this is bound to be an emotional trip for me but so excited that i am actually in a position to say i’m going and have a flight booked that same day. speaking of travel, did you watch last night’s episode of america’s next top model? the girls are now in morocco, it’s so fun to watch after being there and being able to call bull shit on nearly everything they show. even my monkey made it to tv (i hope peta got on that one fast). if you weren’t around for my post from marrakech you can read all about it here. let me just say that much like any photo from morocco, the show did NOT do the place any justice (and that’s not a compliment). 

4 Responses

  1. Ishawi says:

    It looks gr8! Really nice place and good pics.

  2. miikax3 says:

    genialnie wyglądasz, dawno nie widziałam lepszego zestawu!!!!! kocham to!

  3. świetnie, taki styl doskonale ci pasuje!

  4. totally love this look!!! x

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