my blogger friend justyna baraniecki, who runs approached me with a $100 gift certificate to her online store to giveaway to one of my readers. i am very happy to see the store grow and do so well, i know it was her dream to run it and she finally did it so i am definitely going to support and am here to spread the word. i myself have gotten a couple of fabulous items already, which are still waiting for warmer weather to photograph. hello sheer blazer. she has a passion for vintage finds and if i can say so myself, is pretty great at what she does. you should also check out her new section for some great stuff from bb dakota, frash and pica jewellery. the giveaway is open internationally, so anyone can enter. all you have to do is:
1. follow the chicshop twitter (@chicshopjb) or like the chicshop facebook page
2. leave a comment telling me what is your most coveted item from the store
i will announce the winner on april 24th which i chose at random. visit, good luck and happy shopping! 

24 Responses

  1. Pralinka says:

    amazing giveaway πŸ™‚

    my favourite item is:

    Jack Zena Dress

  2. Fantastic! I love the vintage Smithe pants, perfect for spring. And the frash shell bib. Love it!

  3. Texas says:

    Hi Ania lovely giveaway!
    I love the Motel Wanda dress its so cute!

  4. Rykoszetka says:

    Ta sukienka najbardziej wpadła mi w oko, strasznie podoba mi się ta przezroczysta góra πŸ™‚


  5. Hi Ania!
    Great giveaway. Following Chicshop on Twitter. I really like the Vintage Felicity Jacket.

  6. StarrW says:

    I love the FrAsh Raw Amethyst Ring! The vintage Smithe Pant is looking good too.

    Following on twitter.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Awesome giveaway!
    I love the “Vintage Muriel Coat”!


  8. Jo says:

    Love the Vintage Susanna Dress and the Vintage Pinstripe Vest πŸ™‚

    jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com

  9. great giveaway! i became a fan of chicshop on facebook and am following chicshop on twitter.

    my favorite is the dakota meadow dress. the vintage is all great too!

    my e-mail is

  10. Anonymous says:

    Fugoy said: great giveaway!!! Fugoy’s favourite are the “Longerthanmine Vintage Leg Warmers” and the “Sungabum Shorts” would look great on Fugoy too!!! Peace Dude!

  11. I love Justyna’s store…I wouldn’t mind a pair of those lovely Pica earrings…

  12. Anonymous says:

    my favorite is dakota meadow dress

  13. aeslinn says:

    Srlsy, this giveaway made my day. πŸ˜€

    And for some time I’m in love with this:

  14. Erin says:

    Liked on facebook!
    and I love the Vintage Margot Dress! Sadly I think it would be too big… but it is gorgeous!


  15. Anonymous says:

    Was already following on twitter and I absolutely love the BB Dakota Meadow Dress!! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! πŸ™‚


  16. Anonymous says:

    oh no~ im too late.
    but i wanna say it anyways…im loving the Vintage Arabella Dress <3 <3 <3 three hearts!

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