(zara drawstring military style jacket, leggings and shoes, joe fresh tuinc, h&m faux fur stole, little burgundy rings)
…i am obsessed with magazines. when i finally got my bearings after coming back from toronto my first shopping destination was the magazine store. those of you who live in calgary know it can sometimes be difficult getting the good mags but there are definitely two stores (at least which i know of) that try to make this experience easier for us all. one of them is with the times on 11th st and the other, the one i most frequent, is the daily globe on 17th avenue. my brother introduced me to it once long ago, when i was still in high school as a place where i could find all the magazines for my tear sheets, as time went on i fell in love with numero and id and many other titles. i stopped buying every issue and now only purchase the ones that i really love, because boy can it get expensive. anyways we thought we might as well kill two birds with one stone and take some photos while we’re at it, and running into some old friends in the process. david jonathan who i shot with for his web based project, ox with the beautiful olga onulov, was just stopping by to browse, i wanted to know if he still shoots and found out that he is in need of some inspiration, and knowing how hard that can be around this neck of the woods i am determined to get him back on the horse, after all it would be a real shame if he stopped what he is so good at (plus you don’t want the $10,000 camera going to waste now do you?). which magazine did i get? i bought the new issue of interview magazine with amanda seyfried on the cover. best value for your money i think. as to the details and goings on of my day to day life, well i have to tell you i have been going trough some crasy s#!* in the past couple of days, one incident involving falling to my knees at a fashion show and lots and lots of blood, but you will have to wait for that post before i tell you the whole story. for now you can check out more photos from our day at the magazine shop on my facebook. xoxo
p.s. all this linking just reminded me how great david’s pictures are. loving all the images. check out his website here. maybe i can start a facebook petition.

16 Responses

  1. pierścionki przepiękne !

  2. Lilylove says:

    zgadzam sie! pierscionki sa fantastyczne<3

  3. magic says:

    jestes przepiekna! πŸ™‚ ze ja tez nie mialam Cie wczesniej w obserwowanych!

  4. Plosieq says:

    cudowna kurtka i pierścionki!

  5. The new Spring/Summer ELLE Collections is out!

  6. Koka!nna says:

    Matko ! Jaka Ty jesteś nieziemsko cudna !
    Bede CIe śledzić! ;]

    Let’s follow each other

    Cheers from hell,

  7. świetna biżu πŸ˜‰

    zapraszam na mój blog

  8. I just love that store! Satisfies my cravings for design mags of all kinds and flavours.

  9. EevvaStyle says:


    Zapraszam do udziału w konkursie na moim blogu:)

  10. Marta says:

    Fajne buty πŸ™‚

  11. I love this post…just what I felt like reading. I’m going to be searching for a coat like this for the next while…however, for now I’m going to go to the nearest store for a new magazine…

  12. ana1131 says:

    wspaniała parka πŸ˜‰

  13. OMG Ania this outfit is so so great. I’m getting really excited just looking at like dying to steal each and every piece from your wardrobe HA!! I’m so sorry to hear about your fashion roadkill moment but remember the best always fall to the ground at one time or another. It’s how gracefully you get back up that counts. Something tells me you did with absolute elegance.

    Lots of love,
    Meag xx

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