photos by jason eng 
(zara blazer and shorts, american apparel tank, steve madden boots, alexander wang bag)
i haven’t been slacking off, the more embarrassing truth is that i have been so busy with work, and more work, knowing that another trip is just around the corner, and not wanting to either fall behind nor leave anything behind unfinished, i dedicated myself  entirely (minus 8 hours of sleep/day) to those individual responsibilities. the best news i have to share with you from the last couple of days it that they are getting longer. hello outfit photos post working hours! some exciting news are to be kept on the dl for the time being (eventually to be revealed nowhere else but here) and other’s, as you may have read on my twitter, and their twitter, and their blog, and my blog: i joined the next model management family here in toronto and of course am super psyched about the opportunity to be working in the city again (soon hopefully). i embarked on my adventure this morning, with a direct flight (phew!) and a couple of heavy bags, plus a rental vehicle (without insurance, then with a new credit card AND insurance… don’t ask). after a couple hours driving around i realized that during this stay i have the potential of getting lost on more than one occasion. i met with the great team behind next this afternoon, took some digitals and will be meeting with clients throughout my visit. until the next update, here are some photos jason and i took to get into the spring mood. i’ve been avoiding stores lately in fear of spending money but you just know that once i get inside (purely by accident of course) there will be no stopping. fear for me. 

10 Responses

  1. buty robią wrażenie, ale megawysokie – jak dla mnie odpadają przynajmniej na co dzień 😉

  2. Justyna says:

    that’s amazing! congrats to a wonderful model!

  3. Welcome to TO.
    Other than work, what do you have planned?


  4. Ula says:

    Buty są fantastyczne;>

  5. Hello Gorgeous!! Ania these photos are so so hot!! Love love love, haha, I wasn’t expecting an outfit post after our brief convo today but here you are updating us with faboo inspiration. Enjoy Toronto and do check out my suggestions.

    Lots of love,
    Meag xx

  6. pocahontas says:

    zapraszam do mnie,czeka wyróżnienie

  7. Ania nice to meet you!
    We have the same name!
    I also call Ania!!!

  8. hej,świetna stylizacja 🙂

    zapraszam Cię do wzięcia udziału w konkursie na stylizację do zgarnięcia fajne nagrody od perfumerii Douglas.

    Aby zdobyć jedną z nagród wystarczy przesłać na adres zdjęcie, z
    propozycją stylizacji na Dzień Kobiet. Najbardziej kreatywne i odjechane pomysły zostaną nagrodzone i omówione w kolejnym programie. Na zdjęcia czekamy do 20 marca, do godziny 23:59. to amatorska nowo-powstająca tv :]

    seeerdecznie zachęcamy do przesłania stylizacji!

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