ever since my visit to new york in 2004 i was dreaming of visiting the moma. unfortunately for me, it was undergoing renovations and therefore not accessible to the public. seven years of waiting finally brought me to 53rd street. funny enough, i actually went to the moma design store before i even set my foot at the museum. i’ll be honest and say that the museum did not impress me as much as i thought it would, maybe all this time of pent up expectations ruined it for me. personally i prefer tate modern in london. apart from having great exhibitions it’s also located in an amazing and unlikely space. this is not to say that i didn’t enjoy every minute of being there. there was a special exhibit of andy warhol screen tests (no photos allowed) plus the permanent warhols already in the museum (campbell’s soups, elvis and marilyn) plus lichtenstein and wyeth plus picasso, monet and mondrian (first of which i’ve ever seen live). moma probably has a bigger collection of picasso’s than museu picasso de barcelona, which was the home of the late artist. well why wouldn’t they. isn’t everything just larger than life in new york. asking people to take a photo as i look at the art was probably one of the low points of my trip, if not my solitary life all together (possibly an exaggeration). kind of embarrassing, but how else am i going to get photos of myself when i’m by myself. in any case they didn’t make it in to the post… clearly, since i didn’t have 500 to chose from. so not to embarrass myself any further. enjoy. xoxo

i’ve been to the tate twice in my lifetime (and the moma countless times) and i would have to say i agree with you. still think the moma is great as is its curation.
having pics of yourself looking at art is pretty beast though- props for the courage in asking a stranger to do that!
same here, I never made it to the MOMA because every time I was in NY (which wasn’t that often) it was closed for renovations. I’d love to see it one day – but I wonder if it can keep up with the Tate Modern, one of my fav museums!!!
Fugoy says: the garden space with black metal chairs and sculptures in the old MOMA that appeared in Woody Allen’s ilm Manhattan is unique and something that TATE has not. Is it still there after the reno????
yeah… moma.. now your making me miss new york! <3
so lovely. x hivennn
Such lovely pictures!
I visited MOMA when I was younger, but back then I didn’t appreciate art yet.
great photos!!
Wonderful blog!! <3