finally in new york city. after landing i didn’t have much daylight left to snap photos so real updates won’t happen until tomorrow. for now i have to figure out how i’m going to stay warm for the next 5 days. i came completely unprepared. let me just say -4 here does not feel like -4 at home. i feel like i don’t even have to say anything here but a shopping trip is clearly in order, don’t you think? right now i’m crashing at my friend lionel’s house who so graciously offered up his own bed for me. i saw his workplace today (number seventeen) together with some of his amazing design work. my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing all day today. lot’s of exciting news to report and it hasn’t even been a full 24 hours. xoxo

5 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope you have a fantastic time B…

  2. soooo pretty, you make me want to go there!! i’m glad you’re having a good trip so far. hopefully you can find a coat or jacket to throw on and keep yourself warm!!

  3. I love NYC so much – my favorite part of moving to Connecticut from Edmonton has been that it take under $40 and less than 2 hours to get to the City and home again.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. have so much fun! can’t wait to see your pics!

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