on saturday, before the weekend madness begun, thanks to my dear freinds at wilkosz and way i found this amazing little bookstore. frosst books. everyday on my way back home i would drive by the old bottle depot in inglewood and i spoted him! a portrait of karl lagerfeld on the wall. amazing. it’s even better in person. jeff was nice enough to check it out for me and ask if it was ok for me to stop by and take some photos. unfortunately the wall was not as available as i would have liked it to be, acting as the backdrop to the cash out desk (i would call it register but there is a computer and maybe a debit machine and lots and lots of papers books and alike). the store itself is amazing, i want all the books they sell, even though i probably don’t know what half of them are of. they are mainly art books, many, if not all, inspired by modern pop and art culture. i wish i had more questions to ask while we were there but for some reason karl made me nervous :P. if you ever make your way down 9th street do go visit this place. but leave the ‘pop life’ book alone, it’s mine! xoxo
also don’t forget about my caitlin power giveaway. two short weeks left before the beautiful jecket has a new home <3. click here for more info.

7 Responses

  1. Ummm today’s posts are like ridiculously good, no great!! That post from Saturday is actually insane!! Thank-you for the inspiration girl, never fails to amaze me.

  2. Hope says:

    I love that painting!! And you are gorgeous!

  3. LOVE this! Must check out the bookstore soon!

  4. gorgeous! u totally work that little crop top 🙂

  5. Ania, thanks for stopping by the store, glad you love it!

    If you ever need Karl for a photoshoot, let me know. I’d be happy to move the “cash out desk!”

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