even though new year’s eve was (as it always is) spent with the people i care most about (ie. mum and dad) it’s still the most uncelebratory of all days in the year for me (my birthday following in close second). i will never understand why people feel the need to get this excited about passing of time. i get that it’s yet another excuse to get drunk (possibly on someone else’s tab, adding to the extraordinary experience), but year after year it’s the same, thing, the same crappy musicians play at cities’ new years ball drop (toronto actually had shawn desman play into 2011, i hope they realize that his only hit, ‘shook’, if it can even be called that and which he actually sang, was in 2002!) , we do the countdown, then we stay up for a couple of more hours and go to bed, waking up the next day, nothing is open and we get to sit around, being oblivious to the fact that we are getting older. maybe new years is just a good excuse to break up the year, to have an extra couple of days off work, so that the days don’t all blend together into this seeming nothingness and that there is some kind of a goal or purpose. maybe it’s a way to celebrate that we are still here and the world has not indeed ended as of yet (thank goodness) in which case i could see it. but other than that it just makes me sad instead. would i use the word cynical to describe what i am right now? i’m not sure if that’s the correct terminology. am i an 80 year old trapped in a 25 year old body? somehow i think 80 year olds know how to celebrate new years better than i do. regardless, my parents give me another reason to celebrate, and that’s their anniversary, 42nd. amazing. so we spent the night eating delectable polish pierogis (i swear after the holiday season is over i won’t look at any more pierogis for at least… 2 weeks πŸ™‚ ), mums fresh baked, amazingly polish but from a calgary herald recipe bread and drinking advocate. rob’s mum brought with her the game of sequence. haven’t heard of it? me neither but it turns out it’s a super fun and addictive board/card game. other than that i have been absent for a couple of days, which seems like weeks and i feel so guilty for leaving my blog untouched for so many hours, i have succumbed to utter laziness over the last week, actually cracked open a book i have not yet finished reading and got dragged into the plot of two tv shows, along with developing a mania for board games. in two short months i will be turning 25, i’m going back to work, tomorrow that will be, not too excited about that, obviously, but i will once again be overcome with creative-ness as to escape the boredom of dealing with peoples financial problems. so here it is the new year 2011. it will seem like forever until the next time i rant like this again (in one year). when i look back at the things i did in 2010 i can hardly believe only 12 months have gone by. maybe it’s thanks to the seasons. whatever it is i hope time does not pass by us too fast. 

5 Responses

  1. Szkoda że nie piszesz po polsku πŸ™ Ale i tak super blog!

  2. Tanuki says:

    Super cute photos!!!
    So lovely!
    And your cats πŸ™‚ wow πŸ™‚

  3. happy new year! your cats are too cute!

  4. KateL says:

    nice pictures! an lovely blog!

  5. you’ve combined christmas , food, board games and gorgeous pretty photos into one post. adore. as for your post, embrace the new year! It’s not just an excuse to get drunk but an excuse to dress up, yell, laugh, and with all cheesy intention-love. (^.^). Love your blog. A follower, Jane King.

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