the snow is melting everywhere (for now) and the slush makes everything look incredibly ugly. the frustrating lack of time to do anything these past couple of days forced me outside this afternoon to take some quick outfit update photos, it just so happened, by accident that i am nearly entirely dressed in club monaco. club monaco is definitely a go to store where i like to get a couple of basic pieces each season, but not a place where i would dress from head to toe (on a side note do you notice how their sale stuff is made, it seems, specially for sale… not cool in my opinion). i did get these really cool leather leggings there last week and now i live in them. i never thought i would say this but i am slowly getting bored of the fur vests (boy am i glad i cleaned out every store of every faux fur vest they ever had :S). i think i’m going to try these leggings with something harder. i feel like i am ready to go all black again… p.s the GIVEAWAY ends tomorrow. for your last chance to enter click here. (club monaco faux fur vest, denim button up shirt and leather leggings, aldo shoes, zara bag, asos hat)

19 Responses

  1. lady M says:

    fantastyczna sceneria towarzystwo na zdjęciach i oczywiscie fantastyczny zestawik
    podobaja mi sie twoje buty

  2. haha love the reindeer! very cute pics πŸ™‚

  3. Britty says:

    haha i love picture but that fur vest soo cute and nice purse! leather legging so sweet

  4. Brittany says:

    You look fantastic! Love your wedges and leather leggings. So awesome to put the cute animals in your pics πŸ™‚

  5. i love ur leggings! so cute! πŸ™‚

  6. Świetny zestaw, wyglądasz przeuroczo!:)


  7. Ejbii says:

    świetne zdjęcia πŸ˜‰

  8. Uliss says:

    such a great style!Love your whole outfit!
    But the most cutest of course is reindeer crawling across the road)))) You make me laugh)

    Keep posting, honey!!!

  9. so lovely! love the shoes too!

  10. lol. These photos are cute with the little animals in the backgrounds. πŸ™‚ Loving the leather leggings on you.

  11. 6roove says:

    świetne buty, świetne legginsy
    kamizelka <3

    poza tym ten dorysowany jelonek.. rozbawił mnie niesamowicie, bardzo pozytywny :))

  12. @ says:

    i like your style πŸ™‚ and deer and squirell :DDD hahaha, perfect πŸ˜€

  13. Sabby V says:

    Love the outfit and the blog. You have a great look. Thanks for your comment and will make a regular stop to your blog!


  14. Manon says:

    Nice for the winter !
    I like yours shoes !

  15. JESSY says:

    i love your whole outfit! esp. the leather leggings with those shoes πŸ™‚ it just got cold here on my side of the world (hk!) and i’m only just breaking out the knits and leather now πŸ˜‰

    x jessy

  16. Special-K says:

    wow i think you look amazing!
    i love your style and your blog is great!
    what a chance you have to be a model!

    I’m a new follower πŸ™‚

    Kenza xxx
    Ps: my blog is kinda cool too πŸ™‚

  17. kayaretro says:

    cudne nóżki i ciekawa stylizacja:))

  18. Anonymous says:

    O raju!! Co za nogi;) Pozdrawiam

  19. MAGDArling says:

    te botki mnie przesladują!xD są genialne:)

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