i’ve had THE worst time waking up in the mornings lately. i can hardly wait for the life of leisure, whenever that will be, i will savor every moment of it. i hardly have enough time to get dressed and by the time i leave the house, go through my ocd routine of checking if everything is turned off and locked a million times, and drive to work it’s too late to even look back. i’ve also been having a really difficult time with my shoes, with this mystery pain i can only wear maybe 20% of what’s available to me so i am starting to plan my outfits around the footwear, which is what women do i should suspect… who knows, i like to put my shoes on last, so this has been a pain, in every sense of the word, especially when the highlight of my working day would be getting dressed in the first place (waaaah! life of leisure where art thou?!). there is good news, however, after long and hard deliberation of pros and cons and numerous calls to the pacific center h&m i have a ticket booked for lanvin. i am so excited i may have trouble sleeping tonight, so it’s safe to assume nothing i’ll be wearing in the next couple weeks will be new and now that i look at the photos i’ve posted, my back side is not my most attractive feature, here is to vanity! sleep tight my lovelies, and dream yourselves some lanvin <3 (wilfred blazer and tank top, forever 21 skirt, zara boots, alexander wang diego bag) photos by rb.

So gorgeous! I love the colour combination of the coral tank and grey skirt. Not forgetting the most fantastic boots, its a mix of demure and sexy!
LOVE those boots!!
adoring your boots! gorgeous outfit!