today we were at the women’s show all day, on our break we sneaked out to visit a couple of our friends who were mannequin modeling in the guess window at chinook center (shopping was optional, we chose that option) the reason i think my camera keeps taking these gritty photos may be contributed to the fact my lens is disgustingly dirty, i think i’m going to do something about that right now. you didn’t see it but i just wiped it. on my second break i wanted to go check out the thriller dance. i get to the location that was listed in the paper at the time that was listed on the website (i guess you have to take some kind of average) and there was nothing or nobody that even resembled closely what the event might look like. i got an orange juice and, defeated, went back. i go on the website later today and it seems ‘thrill 2010 was a monster success’, turns out the registration was at 3 and the actual dance was at 5. thanks so much calgary downtown association for clearing that up with the f-ing papers and the website! i guess i’ll have to just watch it on tv. urgh! i hate taking the backseat.