ok, AMAZING! i don’t know why i am finding out about this just now but tomorrow (october 23rd) at 3:00pm (and equivalent times around the world) an attempt to break the world record will be happening on stephen avenue and center street. the hope is to have more than 22,000 people around the world (in at least 33 countries) dancing the thriller dance simultaneously. the first event started in toronto with 62 participants. the calgary downtown association is hosting. does anyone remember ’13 going on 30′? that movie triggered my obsession with the thriller dance, when it first came out i strongly tried, at every club, for the dj to play the song so that i could do the dance, everytime, however i was met with a ‘it’s not halloween’ and noone ever played my song. at 3:00 tomorrow i will most likely not be able to make it to the dance, i’ll be working at the woman’s show *tear*. i will try my best to show up and at least take some photos. something about that song is so great, and to have so many people participate, i can just see myself getting goosebumps. go to http://thrillcalgary.com/ if you want to find out more, you can also learn the dance with their step by step walk through videos. this is just too good to miss.