alberta fashion week came and went this year. the parties are nowhere close to slowing down but the last three shows took place on thursday night at eau claire market. it was THE best night of the week hands down. when i was asked to do madame wolf’s show i agreed instantly, being familiar with her line from the previous season, but i was not prepared for how excited i was going to get when i saw what we were going to wear. the clothes were amazing! everything in her s/s 2011 collection i would wear in a heartbeat, with a skip in my step to boot. AMAZING! i’m putting my order in simultaneously as i write this entry. the night opened with peeko apparel, which is designed by another friend of mine, brook fung, who makes incredible pieces as well. it was her first time showing and i was very excited to see what she had in store, of course she never disappoints. something about the vibe of that night made it an amazing experience, i was buzzing the entire time. jenna etcheverry (aka madame wolf) was so great and down to earth and as excited as we all were for the show. it was a fun, rock n’ roll, devil may care attitude kind of show, last show of the night, and the last show of fashion week, and what a great conclusion it was. the last piece of the collection was the ‘wolf pack’ shirt, making the crowd go crazy, and making it the piece to have. what inspires me the most is that once you brand your name and you create a line that you love and when somewhere along the line you produce a piece that makes people excited, you know you’ve done something right. i was proud to be able to walk the last outfit. as silly and vain and maybe shallow as it may sound, i think that what made the show so fun was the energy of the room, the general atmosphere combined with the music and everyone involved. it was a much smoother go around this fashion week and i hope that it is not the last, calgary is thirsty for creativity. to view all the nights’ shows click here.

oh i love that second last look! gorgeous!
awesome post! You killed it every show you were in! Yeah definitely loved the wolf pack shirt.
Ps. Your blog is lovely. Definitely will be following you 🙂 Hopefully see you around at some events.