a couple of months back (back in the days of blonde) i was part of the new hedkandi campaign. jeremy and his team prepped me at the salon and we all went out to shoot on the c-train. this was probably the  most hilarious shoot i have done in a while, the people on the train kept watching all the commotion we were creating around us (i’m looking at you gerard :)), i even got some comments as to my supposed ‘anorexia’ (little did these girls know what a compliment that was, even if far from the truth). possibly the most entertaining was ‘making out’ with myself in the dirty train windows (i still feel there might be some diseases lurking around inside my body-note to self check it out during yearly exam) and seeing the bewilderment of the people waiting  on the platforms and leaving the train. i don’t think there is possibly an appropriate thing to do in a situation like this. either way the shots finally came out and will be running for the next 3 months. 
makeup tara anand

3 Responses

  1. Aidan V. says:

    WOW these looks great, is the guy checking the girl out down the bottom part of the shoot or just a random?

  2. Anonymous says:

    These are amazing!
    It is difficult to stop looking at you.
    Who made the dress in the first shot?

  3. these photos are hilarious!

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