i am officially registered for the annual climb for wilderness event at the calgary tower on april 17th. it sounds awful but i never ever ever do anything for charity, the last time i did anything for charity was when i walked in the art-rageous show at acad to raise money for student scholarships. i don’t belive in charities, i think that if you want to help you should do it first hand and not go through money grabbing businesses (even if they are not for profit, because if anything business school taught me is that everything in business is for profit) 1 dollar to charity and 1 dollar in your pocket just does not cut it for me. charities are a rich man’s excuse for a tax write off. PFFFF!  BUT i decided to do this climb. my brother told me he doesn’t belive i can do it. if anything i thought people were going to make fun of me because walking up the calgary tower does not seem like that big of a deal. in poland elevators in 10 story buildings would always break and we’d have to walk up to the top floor, not that im saying that the tower is 10 stories but you know, for my strong legs its more like 4, haha. plus if it is going to be any kind of charity, one that includes cuddly little defenseless animals seems right to me. so here i am all registered, only 19 days left.

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