i was on facebook and one of my friends is in australia right now (where its nice weather and palm trees) and i saw a photo of a kangaroo and i was kind of amazed (again) how their pouches stretch so much. it’s like human skin, or i guess any animal skin, how charlie for example was so small and sweet and had a little tail that looked like a triangle and his whole body fit in the palm of my hand and now somehow his tail has grown to this full bushy thing and its beautiful but how did it get there? wow… i either need to get out more or start watching national geographic so i can sound more educated-next post will be from a nightclub somewhere… if i can find one 🙂 i went to google to search kangaroos and here is the picture i found, which i think is hilarious, cause you see it all the time in cartoons but you never think it would actually happen to somebody, poor guy…