By Jason Eng (Death Valley, California December 2009)

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Lovely photo…you look better as a brunette than as a blond. Shame so many brunettes think blond hair is worth dyeing for. (grin)

  2. Ania B says:

    well im red now 😀
    going slowly back to brown. i had brown hair all my life thats all 😛

  3. Anonymous says:

    wow, you’re beautiful

  4. Anonymous says:

    this should be a poster, certainly

  5. is anyone concerned about how offensive this is?

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is not offensive! Those headdresses weren’t even real Indian hats. They were made for the wild west shows to be more dramatic and showy around the turn of the century. People need to take the chip off of their shoulders! So sick of everyone looking for any reason to scream racism. That word has become the same as “communist” was in the 50’s. Stupid! Put your energy to something more constructive.

  7. TDH says:

    Yeah, this is racist.

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