we spotted these ducks climbing out of the water and sitting on the ice today. they were so cute and it is so cold these days i think it’s so unbelievable that they are so unaffected. just thought i’d share. also i wanted to post the link to this article i found online today, just a little something interesting if you’re into models and model related things. click here to read

5 Responses

  1. tenebris says:

    śliczne zdjęcie <3

  2. Cee says:

    This is just too sweet for words 🙂

  3. Elly says:

    thankyou for the lovely comment on my blog!
    I love this image, so cute!
    will have to follow you! your blog is so amazing :)x

  4. aaawww 🙂
    this is sooo cute ♥

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