topshop unique dress, club monaco shirt, tba boots, zara sunnies

with the arrival of fall, and to tyler’s dismay i am rediscovering my age old obsession with shoes. any and all shoes: fall shoes, black shoes, red shoes, heels, flats, oxfords, metallics… everywhere i go i turn around and there is a new pair calling out my name. i’ve been so thankful for zara lately, otherwise i wouldn’t be able to keep up. there has been a lot of keeping up lately, with plans to be spending more time in calgary again we are in the midst of fall projects as well as logistical planning and do we have a lot on our plate. never complaining, though, just trying not to slow down and thankful not to be doing it all on my own <3 … but look at those to be announced pony boots! xoxo


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