Checking in here during the craziest year of our lives so far! 2020 has been giving us a run for our money on so many levels. Priorities have been rearranged, plans cancelled, new hobbies discovered. Through all this I have also been talking to you guys about money a LOT MORE because it’s actually very VERY important. When the world started shutting down, a general mood that I got from so many of you was fear. It was no different for us of course, as freelancers we always have to think about the possibility of the well of opportunity drying up, for whatever reason that may be and even a momentary blimp can feel like a lifetime if you are not prepared for it. There are a lot of ways you can save and be smart with you money, watch this video on my IGTV to learn a few of them.
Together with thinking about money on actual overdrive one thing that I found myself feeling was restlessness. Being on lock down really got my creative juices flowing, thinking of ways that I can stay creative, busy and productive. Those manifested themselves in a few different ways. Starting my Money Series on IGTV, learning new skills like Macrame and Crochet and putting emphasis on my physical strength (you know just in case 🙂 ). I had an opportunity to take part in a few focus groups (a total guilty pleasure for me, I’m literally OBSESSED with them) and even create content around some interesting statistics (see our Simplii Financial video here).
Ever wondered where statistical information actually comes from? I have just discovered an app that may actually change the way you interact with your phone forever and allow you to lend your opinions (anonymously) to bettering your experience as a consumer and human being. There is a new app in town called LEO, it is a crowd sourcing survey app which lets you collect rewards for filling out surveys and giving your opinion on just about anything. For every survey you fill out you receive LEO points which then you can exchange for gift cards from partners like PayPal, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Uber, Visa and many more. On top of that the more surveys you complete the more likely you are to win their monthly contest draws ($1,000 cash anyone?). Get even more points when you invite your friends AND get an additional 2000 LEO points when you sign up with my promo code: ANIAB
Now every time you find yourself fumbling on your phone trying to kill time or avoid eye contact with strangers on the train you can actually turn it into something productive and walk away with money in hand! WIN WIN WIN!
**When members share their honest opinions on LEO, they contribute to change across a variety of public and private organizations, LEO has a strict Privacy Policy (members’ personal information and the opinions they share on LEO remain confidential)