what a couple weeks it has been! on both a personal and professional level the last few weeks have been inspiring and crazy busy, however, is there ever NOT time to relax and listen to a bit of music? i write on the timing of inspiration. when i hear something that i absolutely must share i bring it right here, and that can be a good or a bad thing. some weeks i’ll be waiting on the perfect tune, but this week i was hit with several and all at once! it was hard to choose just one thing to show to you guys but I knew after the last few beauty tunes i wanted to get something a little more up tempo and rough around the edges. plus, you can always catch my eye with an interesting video. anyways, down to business! a song/video you all must check out is charlotte gainsbourg with her beck-produced track ‘terrible angels’. if i had heard the song before i knew it was her i certainly wouldn’t have guessed it. charlotte is the daughter of the outstanding serge gainsbourg and jane birkin (who recorded an album together in 1968, which i highly recommend hearing) and while she is usually distinct in her own way, this song shows off her fathers flair for crossing genres. “terrible angels,” unlike anything else she has done, is danceable and a little distorted, and surprisingly straightforward. it’s not the greatest thing you’re likely to hear (and not every song out there can be), but it’s someone well established taking a step in a different direction and doing it well, and i will ALWAYS give time to that. plus the video is fun, if not a little wacky. check it out!

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