my friend kasia and i ventured to take some overdue outfit photos today. with the exception of a snow storm rolling through town everything was just perfect. of course it would have it that when i have an outfit fit for the cold we were forced to shoot inside. i’ve been having an inner struggle (yes… of many) as to  using this belt. i love it, but to me it’s not a belt i would wear high on my waist, which is what the idea is i suppose. i don’t know, i’m not generally a fan of belting everything that comes along, but i had the perfect outfit to use it with. an all white/gray one piece, more laid back with this beaded dark belt. it just worked for me in this moment. and the leopard coat? i could wear that with everything everyday. (zara leopard coat, lucca couture one piece, deena and ozzy belt, jeffrey campbell boots, alexander wang bag)

13 Responses

  1. aussibelle says:

    You WOULD be able to rock that jumpsuit.

  2. Beti says:

    świetne zdjęcia 🙂

  3. I just KNOW you lounge around in this outfit at home! hehe


  4. kayaretro says:

    no cóż, zaczynam być Twoja wielka fanką!!

  5. Uliss says:

    cute jumpsuit
    I think the belt is perfect here, cause without it this onepiece will look like some PJ set from Peter Pan fairytale) no offence, it’s really cute)

    Stacey from

  6. I love this look. That bag is one of my favorites..

  7. melodykura says:

    nie dość, że genialnie ubrana, to jeszcze profesjonalnie sfotografowana…wielki plus za zdjęcia ;))

  8. szmateksi says:

    wow, zdjęcia są rewelacyjne!

  9. I forgot, check out my new give away!

  10. Alla says:

    I love your blog..your photographs are very nice;;))

  11. Angela says:

    The onesie is fantastic!

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