so good! it’s finally here! and just in time for christmas too. my first blog giveaway and hedkandi partnered up with me to make it that much more special. obviously i talk about them loads on my blog, and being a part of the ever so growing and evolving fashion scene in calgary they are a huge influence, and great inspiration (have you ever seen their super stylish artists?!). visit their website for a $20 gift certificate for that first visit to the salon and like them on facebook, just because. i own these same b&b products, and i’m so excited to share my love for all things bumble and bumble with all of you guys. it’s also perfectly packaged to go under the tree, so if you know someone who would love it, enter the giveaway with them in mind too. the giveaway is open to all my blog readers and followers worldwide.
what to do?
1. follow me on twitter and bloglovin
2. leave a comment below telling me what you want to see on the blog. leave your name and e-mail address so i can contact you if you win
retail value of the set is $95 CDN. i will be closing the giveaway on december 15th at 11:59pm so you can receive the package on time for christmas. 
i’m so excited! GOOD LUCK!
Follow Ania B


35 Responses

  1. I’m following — can I enter if I live in the States?

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  2. Kyle Mino says:

    Hey, defs a follower.
    Your blog is pretty amazing already, however if anything I really enjoy your post on trendy artists and photographers you do. Here is one I recently came across, I really like how she refrences to alexander mcqueen in her work! Hope you enjoy!

  3. *Sorry the link didnt work*
    Hey, defs a follower.
    Your blog is pretty amazing already, however if anything I really enjoy your post on trendy artists and photographers you do. Here is one I recently came across, I really like how she refrences to alexander mcqueen in her work! Hope you enjoy!

  4. i follow 🙂
    this is a cool giveaway!
    i just came across your blog not too long ago. I really like everything about it. you have a bit of everything. very nice 🙂

    anyway im bethany and my email is:


  5. Em. says:

    done 🙂
    I like your blog very much, there’s not only photos of outfits but some more which make your blog oryginal and interesting for people.
    What I want to see on the blog? You 🙂 and your inspirations, what mekes You create Your own fashion world:) good luck for You and for me of course 🙂

    with love,

  6. Martyna R. says:

    i came accross your blog a few days ago, and i’m already in love with it 🙂 !

    so what i’d love the see the most, is more outfit posts 🙂

  7. Jessica G. says:

    i love that you’re Canadian — it’s nice to see my fellow countrywomen blogging 😉
    more outfit posts would be rad, but also just stuff that you like would be neat. music, photos, whatever.

    love! ♥

  8. I love this Ania! So cool! I love your blog and always love to see pictures of you 🙂

    xo Danielle

  9. Dani says:


    So nice to see a fellow Calgarian blogging about Fashion.
    I am ecstatic to have found your site.

    I would like to see more about how music influences your fashion.

    It would also be nice to see more of your beautiful photographs. Calgary can be such a beautiful place and it’s too easy to take it for granted!


  10. following now. P.S. and reading as usual 🙂

  11. Hi Ania! I’m following.

    I like your behind the scenes modelling posts, and your outfit posts. 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

    I follow you on twitter & bloglovin!

    & your articles are very well written but I’d like to hear something about your music influences too & also some fashion pics for in my diary 😀


  13. Morgan McGregor says:

    I love your blog and all of your amazing photo stories. Keep ’em coming…

  14. Cee says:

    I’m following you on twitter, bloglovin and friendconnect – love those photos of you with the CP Rail train in the background 🙂

  15. Anna says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Leah says:

    I love Hedkandi!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Love your Blog Ania…I have bought a few things you have…you’re quite the fashionista! And I would love to win your giveaway….lots of hair in this house! LOL

  18. I’m a HUGE follower! I love your blog/ read it every day!! And LOVE bumble and bumble!! Pick me 😀

  19. Natasha R says:

    Hey Ania, I’m a follower as well 🙂

    I love your blog, and I think the photos you post of yourself are the most inspiring, sometimes i find myself running out to get pieces you’re wearing…. except being in the Edmonton area, I can’t always find the same ones!

    Natasha R

  20. Anonymous says:

    Love your ideas on the blog!!!

    Would love to know more about fashion news as well as things/events happening in Calgary:-)

    Warm hugs,


  21. Mary says:

    hey ania! love your blog & i love bumble&bumble!!

  22. Devon says:

    Hey Ania,
    I love your blog, I’ve been following it for a while and think it’s great the way it is!

  23. i’d like to see more make up related posts
    enter me please

    naville t
    navillet @ gmail . com

    thank you


  24. Hi Ania,

    I would like to see more stuff about things going on in Calgary! 🙂

  25. Anonymous says:

    Your blog is pretty amazing!! Seeing more of calgary would be sweet but all the stuff you have is already perfect!

  26. ashley says:

    OK, entering now! I love seeing stuff from the creatives you do with Jay! Also when you link to other fashion and design stories because I need help finding good websites…and keep up the shoots with your reluctant photographer Rob.

  27. Alexandra says:

    You are perfect. Don’t change anything. I love you.

  28. vicky says:

    There are so many great pictures on this site. Everybody could enjoy it. I love this!

  29. says:

    Thank you very much Ania, this is a cool blog.

  30. TingTing says:

    Oh, those gift looks so great!I am following! I think u r amazing. Please keep giving us fashion direction in the future. Don’t forget to include me in the draw! Haha~

  31. Ken says:

    Good reading! What an awesome give-away…good luck with growing the blog.

  32. Beauty Giveaway..thanks for dropping by mines now has lead me to your amazing blog. Love it. Nice outfits.
    Xo Ari

  33. Maeghan Archibald says:

    following you on both twitter and bloglovin and i couldnt be happier!
    It is so good to find someone who is just as passionate about fashion as I am and from Calgary!
    Your blog is killer keep doing what your doing because this city has such potential and talent to grow a prestigious fashion scene and its people like you who give the rest of us fashionistas hope that one day we will be known for more than cowboys and rodeos.
    If anything I would say post more about fashion events in the city to promote the people and organizations that are trying to build a fashion culture


    much love
    Maeghan Archibald

  34. L.B. says:

    I love bumble and bumble…and you Miss Ania! I’m already following you on bloglovin because you rock my world and inspire me daily with your rad style. I’d love for your to give your followers some styling tips and maybe do a “what’s in your bag” post? xo

    One love,
    Lauren Barrie

  35. Anonymous says:

    Following! And always a fan of the outfit posts.


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