
GAP EVENT Feb 5 Chinook Centrejust one short week from now you can start gearing up toward valentine’s day. on february 5th i will be hosting a fun event at the chinook centre GAP location. the new resolution denim collection has finally hit the stores and you will be the first to sample it. if getting discounts for just trying on a pair of jeans isn’t enticing enough, there will be a dj, treats and an in-store instagram contest to win a prepaid visa card with some serious spending money as well as a full spring outfit for you and your perfect fit. i will be onsite giving styling tips and getting you inspired for the coming season. you will get a chance to write cute valentine’s for your loved ones and spend an evening with some great people. come down to check out the new performance stretch fabrics available in a variety of different washes and silhouettes. and just remember, when you find that perfect fit, buy it in every colour. see you there!

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